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KSHSAA Officials

KSHSAA Eligibility
  User ID:     School Number:
  School Identifier:   School Type:
  School Name:   School Sub Type:
My Current Eligibility List

Clicking the link to the right will allow you to manage the eligible participants that your school has submitted to the KSHSAA as well as add new participants for the current school year on an individual basis. You can view, edit and print information for the current school year or retrieve and print information from previous years.

Current Eligibility List
Temporary Participant Workspace

The participant workspace is a temporary holding area that is used for batch updating of the KSHSAA eligibility list. The workspace is used to upload a student record file from your computer or to import last year’s students to update for the current year through the Retrieve Previous Year option. Once information in the workspace is ready to be transferred to your Current Eligibility List, use the Validate Records and Send to KSHSAA options to complete the process. Any students in the workspace not passing validation will remain in the workspace until they are updated with the correct information.

Click this link to manage the student records in your temporary workspace.

View Temporary Workspace

Click this link to pull the non-senior participants information from last year into your workspace.

Retrieve Previous Year

Click this link to upload a participant file from your computer to the workspace.

Upload Student File

Click this link to DELETE ALL STUDENT RECORDS from your temporary workspace.

Clear Temporary Workspace
* Workspace Is Currenty Active *

Kansas State High School Activities Association
PO Box 495, Topeka KS 66601
Ph: 785.273.5329  Fax: 785.271.0236

This task is data intense and may take a while to process.