Baseball Regulations

KSHSAA Regulations

Warm-up locations
When teams are warming up and stretching in the outfield area prior to the beginning of the timed infield warm-up the visiting team should use the right field area to stretch and throw. The home team should use the left field area to stretch and warm-up. The centerfield area not be occupied by teams stretching. This creates situations where unsporting behavior takes place as one team is doing sprints and running through the team stretching.

PA Announcers
PA announcers may play appropriate music between innings. Between batters the result of the previous play may be announced and the upcoming batter, music may be played between batters during the regular season (If music is played during the regular season in between at bats and the umpire deems it is slowing down play then he/she has authority to discontinue); however no music between at bats during the postseason.

Rule 32
No team (at any level) shall participate in more than twenty games of interschool competition during a season, exclusive of the state championship series. Only ten of twenty dates may involve school time. A student may participate in twenty-six games of interschool competition during the season, exclusive of the state championship series. A player entering the game as a pinch hitter, pinch runner, or courtesy runner counts as a game played, even if they were in the game for one at bat, one out, etc.

Courtesy Runners
If a team has a pinch hitter for the pitcher who reaches base in order to have a courtesy runner for that position the pitcher must be re-entered (his one re-entry and the pinch hitter have now been exhausted) with the pitcher now on first, it is permissible to bring in the courtesy runner for the pitcher. A courtesy runner can not be used for the pinch hitter. The person the courtesy runner is running for must be the pitcher/catcher of record from the last half-inning. Entry as a courtesy runner counts as one of the 20 allowable playing dates.

Home Run Celebrations
No team personnel other than a batter, runner, on-deck batter, occupant of coach’s box or a defensive player should be in live ball territory. Players may come out of the dug-out to greet player(s) after an over the fence homerun. (This is a dead ball) No player should be on the opposing teams side of home plate and no one may make contact with a runner prior to them making contact with home plate.

Pre-game Infield warm-up period,br> During each teams pre-game warm up period on the field the opposing team is to be in the team dug-out, not out on the field of play watching warm-ups. There are some teams that use this as an intimidation tactic. Rule 3-3-1-g is the rule reference.

3-3-1 “A coach, player, substitute, attendant or other bench personnel shall not:

   g. commit any unsportsmanlike act to include, but not limited to:

  1. use of words or actions to incite or attempt to incite spectators demonstrations.
  2. use of profanity, intimidation tactics, remarks reflecting unfavorably upon any other person, or taunting or baiting.
  3. use of any language intended to intimidate,
  4. behavior in any manner not in accordance with the spirit of fair play;
  5. be in live ball territory (excluding team’s bullpen area) during the opponent’s infield practice prior to the start of the game.

The home team should take infield first which should be 12-15 minutes long. Games should start at the time designated.

Called/Suspended Game
By KSHSAA adoption, a game called for any reason, where a winner cannot be determined, or any game called at any time for mechanical failure will be treated as a suspended game. If the game is to be completed it will be continued from the point of suspension, with the lineup and batting order of each team the same as the lineup and batting order at the moment of suspension, subject to the rules of the game. Please refer to the KSHSAA Baseball/Softball manual for additional information.

Game Ending Procedures
The 10 run rule is mandatory for regular season and post season baseball and softball. If the home team is ahead by 10 runs after 4 ½ innings or the visiting team ahead by 10 runs after 5 innings the game shall be called.

The 15 run rule will be used for all regional games. The rule states that if the home team is ahead by 15 runs after 2 ½ innings or the visiting team is ahead by 15 runs after 3 innings, the game may be called. During the regular season, the schools must mutually agree to this rule before it is used.

Pitching Regulations
Pitchers in baseball may pitch only nine innings in any one day. A pitcher is allowed a maximum accumulation of 12 innings during any 48 hour period. Please refer to the KSHSAA Baseball/Softball Manual for details, Section 2.C.

Coach’s Uniform
If a coach is in a live ball area, they must be in the team uniform. Any exceptions to that must be approved by the KSHSAA.

KSHSAA Ejection Policy
If a coach is ejected they are to leave the vicinity of the playing field. The coach may not be in the dug out or go sit in the stands. If it is the first game of a double header, they may return for the second game providing the school and/or league policy provide for their return. The KSHSAA does not prohibit them from returning for the second game.

If a player is ejected, they must stay in the dugout and the coach is to supervise him. If they continue to be a problem, a school administrator or an assistant coach should take the player outside the dugout and away from the vicinity of the field to supervise him. If no administrator is available, the coach would have to escort the player from the dugout and away from the field. If there is no other coach to coach the team the game would be forfeited.